
Environmental Commitment

My human and I had a discussion about eco-friendly stuff.
Yes, we do that kind of thing these days.
I don't understand most of it, though.
As I get it, lots of the stuff that humans produce will not be biodegraded, ever. No monsters live around here to feed on rusty old cars, no Iron Golem that might be pimped with old machine parts.
If you have a pet, you practically destroy the environment. Providing meat for the pet takes up too much farmland for the cows, obviously. I eat meat. I could feed on the pet, would that help?
Of course, she-human became rather angry after that. She always does. Speaking of logic, it's not her most striking feature. Whenever it comes to puppies she gets all gooey-eyed and stops thinking rationally. If I can tell, you see how apparent it really is. Logis isn't my distinct feature either.
So, we all should contribute to protect this world, she said. Like saving clean water.
I did point out that I save a lot more water than anyone else because I do not use any water at all.
I do not flush the toilet, I never shower or bathe, I do not water any flowers, I have no pets (except my human, of course). So, the No. 1 eco-friendly guy, that's me. Challenge me on that one!
And guess? Of course the not-showering-thing did not go down very well with her. Neither did the not-flushing-the-toilet-theme. Humans. Never able to make up their minds.


Cards, not a game I can recommend at all costs

My human and I like to play games. So it was only natural, that we would do it together. Of course we very quickly realized that we do not like the same kind of games, but when she came up with something called strip poker, I was all game. Guess what? Of course. We both hadn't thought it through.
She was rather good at it I have to say, so it was first me to drop my pants, so to say (I rarely ever wear any, so I dropped my loin cloth). That did not go down very well with she-human (I know this sounds wrong on so many levels, and it truly is). But then I got the gist of the game (and how to cheat) and finally won a few. I really shouldn't have. Humans have no beauty, no leathery skin, not even hair where it is appropriate. Basically what I faced was a giant naked mole rat. Some things can never be made unseen. Will not be the same after this. Ever.


In the attic

There's a creature living in the attic.
I wonder how many stories start like that.
Anyway, in this case my human keeps whining and complaining about the hell of a noise said creature makes at night, as it apparently lives above her room called bed. And no, I am not that creature.


The legends of Barb and Seb

So, these days humans celebrate that one moment in the past when their leader was put on a stick. While cross-guy's anniversary is still a bit dubiuos to me (see post from 31st October), she-human told me about some other guys that went through something similar and I very much enjoyed the stories of St. Barbara and St. Sebastian. I mean, to get rid of your enemies is one thing, but to do it in such a creative way, now, that says a lot about your mindset.